I. What is a UOS short account?
To understand a UOS short account, first we need to know the UOS account.
The UOS account is composed of numbers “1–5” and the lowercase letter “a-z”, and the length cannot exceed 12 digits. The name can be as short as “UOS” and it can be both your username and the receiving address.
There are two types of UOS accounts: 12-bit and less than 12-bit. The 12-digit account is the easiest to register. As long as no one has previously registered for this account, we can register without auction; the account with less than 12 is the short account, which is obtained through auction.
II. Features of the UOS short account
It has these features:
1. Scarcity, non-renewable
The account ID is unique with natural scarcity, and cannot be regenerated after registration.
2. Freehold
You need to pay a small fee for the first registration. Different from domain name, the account belongs to you forever after registration, and does not need to be renewed every year!
3. Multi-level scalability
The UOS account design can be multi-level expanded, which is suitable for the company’s architecture. For example, the VIP account owner can get paid by helping Baidu company register baidu.vip, help Taobao register taobao.vip, help Google register google.vip, and help Facebook register facebook.vip…
In future, DAPP may also use the UOS account name to realize decentralized domain name resolution. For example, the vip account owner generates a sub-account baidu.vip, which can be either a UOS account or a domain name resolution through DAPP! Similar to namecoin.
4. UOS account can be transferred
The UOS account has the transfer value. It can be transferred to others by modifying the owner permission, so reselling is completely feasible.
In summary, the UOS account has the features of uniqueness, scalability and can transfer. It has scarcity and practical value. Its cost can be anchored by auction mechanism and the transfer mechanism ensures liquidity. Therefore it has investment value.
III. How to obtain a UOS short account?
Short account can be obtained by auction, such as vip, a. Currently, such short accounts are very rare. In addition, the secondary account created by the short account is also a short account, similar to the website domain name. For example: vip account can create a.vip, 1.vip and other sub-accounts.
Conditions for successful account:
1. It has been more than 24 hours since the last time the auction. In short, it can only be sold one time within 24 hours.
2. In all accounts on the whole network, the price of this auction is the highest price of the whole network. In other words, the whole network bids for 100 accounts at the same time. Although your bid is the highest in your auction account, it does not mean that you can take this account away. There is only one transaction a day, and the deal is the highest bid.
3. The order price lasted for more than 24 hours and no one bids again (each bid must be higher than 10% of the highest bid price of the current name);
We will discuss how to bid for the UOS short accounts in next article. Welcome to follow.