In December 2018, the UOS sidechain was launched, and it has a label — born for DApp.
Since the UOS testnet is launched, it has successfully caught the wide attention in the blockchain industry, because the launch of UOS can effectively solve some problems in the DApp development.
This article will discuss about the closed-loop ecosystem of UOS from three aspects: UOS, born for DApp, and a friendly DAPP user-experience. The official launch of the UOS net in Q1 of 2019 will further empower the DApp development and prosper the entire DApp ecosystem.
I.What is UOS?
UOS is a sidechain of Ulord. The goal of UOS is to build a Ulord ecosystem that supports more DApps and promote more blockchain applications.
All the Tokens in the UOS net are generated by the UT exchange from the Ulord chain. The exchange ratio of UOS and UT is 1:1.
II. Born for DApp
The year of 2018 is the first year of the DApp rapid development, and the total trading volume in 2018 reached $5 billion yuan, with an average of over 100 new DApps born each month. With the explosion of DApp, there are many problems in chain performance and processing speed.
No matter the Ethereum public blockchain and the EOS public blockchain, it is very hard to deal with the low performance and high concurrency at the same time.
Under this condition, UOS was born.
UOS has made many innovations in consensus mechanism, voting mechanism, CPU model, and penalty mechanism.
1. The UOS consensus mechanism is improved based on the DPOS theory, which eliminates resource waste and solves network delay and the low data throughput. UOS TPS can reach 4000. In theory, through the horizontal expansion of multi-sidechain, different sidechains are independent. They can process transactions in parallel to greatly improve scalability. It cannot occupy the mainnet resources, and can reach million TPS, which is very beneficial for more applications.
2. The UOS voting mechanism adopts the system of one coin one vote to prevent the production nodes from voting for each other and get benefits deliberately.
3. UOS takes CPU model innovation. UOS adjusts the free resource to each user by adjusting the parameters of the chain. More CPU usage time makes the daily transfer easier and reduces the congestion.
4. UOS uses the consensus masternode penalty mechanism to prevent evil.
5. UOS adds consensus output and the interface for consensus output. Other chains can use it directly.
The performance of the public blockchain will directly affect the ecosystem building and prosperity. UOS has effectively solved the current problems existing in the public blockchain to further promote the Ulord developer ecosystem building.
III. More friendly user experience
A good DApp can impact the number of users and user will in turn impact the prosper and value of the chain. UOS aims to provide users with a better, lower threshold experience.
1. Easy operation
UOS operation is very simple. It has flexible permission system, advanced resource management mechanism, simple address and it is quite easy for any Internet programmer to get start. UOS provides DApp developers with block browsers, wallets and contract development tools.
2. Convenient resource service
For developers with insufficient resources, UOS provides memory trading and CPU mortgage, users can rent and use.
3. It is free
Besides, UOS is free to use. There is no transaction fee for trading on UOS. Users can obtain the right to use the resources by mortgaging UOS tokens, thus it can eliminate resource abuse and hacking.
4. High safety
The UOS account has a privilege rating and a flexible privilege system, which is beneficial to account security and facilitates complex privilege verification.
5. Advanced resource management mechanism
The advanced resource management mechanism not only ensures the fairness of users, but also guarantees the basic requirements of users.
IV. Summary
Millions TPS, no worry about CPU mortgage, easy operation and friendly user experience…
In 2019, sidechain UOS will go further.