Ulord weekly news is reported from the basic layer team, platform team, application team, and test Team.
Welcome to contact us by email: service@ulord.one, or @UlordChain on Github or twitter. Your advice is very important to us. We look forward to your support and participation. Ulord invites you to build Ulord Ecosystem together!
Technical progress
Development progress
The Ulord public blockchain development mainly focuses on the Ulord main chain optimization, the first mainnet of Ulord sidechain release, UOS sidechain transfer, voting and testing; iOS version of Ulord wallet development comes to an end, the partial optimizations of Ulord Android wallet and developer community v 1.1.0 are completed.
Public blockchain development
1. Ulord main net
a. Improve the master node certificate synchronization process, optimize the ping message processing flow, and synchronize the certificate information of master node in time;
b. Handling the inconsistency of the master node list to ensure stable operation of the main net, and the master node list synchronization problem is in investigation;
c. Optimize Ucenter processing, give priority to use memory read to ensure the timely and stable response to data requests of various nodes.
2. USC- Ulord sidechain
a. The Bridge contract in USC adds the local call limit to improve CPU usage;
b. USC releases the first Mainnet: USC V0.1.1 (Tagore) stable releases.
3. UOS-Ulord sidechain
a. A new rpc interface is added, allowing users to perform currency transfer on sidechain. This operation is mainly achieved by Ulord’s script operator OP_RETURN carrying the function of transferring money information;
b. Verification of cross-chain transaction scripts from the Ulord main chain to UOS;
c. Three new rpc interfaces are added for querying, adding, and deleting Ulord Alliance multi-signed addresses.
d. Read the federation address from the configuration file to prevent the re-configuration of the federated address.
e. Modify the data storage structure of voting, change the original hash table to an array to avoid errors when the data is read into the chain;
f. Improve voting function, the mortgaged UOS token by using CPU is only used for voting, the mortgaged UOS token by using network is used for fee collection;
g. Modify the unsecured interface, and the logic to cancel the mortgage is changed to:
(1) UOS that has been used for voting cannot be cancelling mortgage and must be cancelled voting first;
(2) UOS that has been mortgaged but not used for voting can be cancelled mortgage;
h. Write test scripts, build multiple nodes for testing, perform test of basic functions on all voting functions, confirm the data correctness, and finally the test is passed.
4. Ulord sidechain block browser development has finished 50%. Uwallet wallet code token interface is also in development, which is mainly based on the block browser database;
5. The active backup function of the UDFS file system is running normally, and the delete function interface has been developed and entered the test phase;
6. The Ulord desktop wallet adds master node rights protection and the whole development has been completed 50%.
1. Weekly news and the latest developments are upgraded on the Ulord official website;
2. Some project code audit is finished and it has been launched;
3. Ulord wallet Android version:
a. Complete V1.2.0’s UI details and copywriting optimization;
b. Optimize private key encryption technology
c. Fix the bug after testing.
4. Ulord wallet iOS version
a. The wallet interface is optimized 90%, and the overall logic function development is complete 80%;
b. Improve program security, such as private key transfer and technical encryption.
5. Complete the development of developer community V1.1.0, including:
a. UI display adjustment of homepage;
b. Application process optimization;
c. Account management optimization, etc.
Operation Progress
1. On October 8, the activity of “Showing pictures to win awards in China’s National Day Holiday” launched by Ulord came to a success. In the activity, the cumulative voting volume was 365,664 and the number of visitors was 141,814. The list of winners was announced on October 10 and the prizes will be released in these 2 days. Please fill in the information form (https://jinshuju.net/f/qeizQw) and contact the Ulord secretary (WeChat: Ulord_one) to get the prizes.
2. On October 7, Made in Chain of Ulord Shenzhen Community hosted the Ulord basketball game. The players were full of youth and energy. The theme of the game is “Consensus Awakening, Building Community Together”, and the community players show the infinite vitality of the Ulord community.
None interpretation
Token: A token in computer terminology that has two meanings: a tool that authorizes a user, or a fixed string that authenticates a user; in cryptocurrency, a token is a numeric value. The unit is a token with built-in programmable potential. In addition to economic attributes, it can also be used to build software, and may realize the combination of tokens, identification, asset quantification indicators, system passes and system protection through technology.