V 1.1.5 Master Node Upgrade Procedure Guide

6 min readOct 24, 2018


This upgrade operation guide is divided into two versions: automatic operation and manual operation. Select one version to complete the upgrade. Specific steps are as follows:

I. Login to the server

Automatic Script Upgrade Guide (Method 1)

II. Enter the root user

sudo su

III. Download script

Download address 1:

wget https://github.com/UlordChain/UlordChain/releases/download/V.1.1.5/update_ulorder-v-1-1-5.sh

You must wait until the download is 100% complete.

Download address 2:

wget ftp://tools.ulord.one/update_ulorder-v-1-1-5.sh

III. Run script

chmod a+x update_ulorder-v-1–1–5.sh


IV. Confirm whether the upgrade is successful

Wait about 5 minutes for the program to start, and then execute the following command:

sudo docker exec -it ulorder /bin/bash

cd /root/bin

./ulord-cli getinfo

If the version number is not “version”: 1010500

Exit docker, repeat step III, and run the script again.

Manual upgrade guide (method 2)

II. Download the 1.1.5 version of the program

Download address 1:

wget https://github.com/UlordChain/UlordChain/releases/download/V.1.1.5/ulordchain-ubuntu-v-1-1-5.tar.gz

If you cannot download from the above URL, please use the following download address 2, and execute the following command:

Download address 2:

wget ftp://tools.ulord.one/ulordchain-ubuntu-v-1-1-5.tar.gz

You must wait until the download is 100% complete.

III. Confirm that the program is downloaded

1. Use ls to check if the download is complete.


IV. Stop the original running program and restart the docker container.

1. Enter docker container

sudo docker exec -it ulorder /bin/bash

2. Stop the original program

~/bin/ulord-cli stop

Wait 1 minute and proceed to the next step.

3. Confirm that the original program stops normally.

ps -aux|grep ulordd|grep -v grep|grep root |awk -F “ “ ‘{print $2}’

If the return result is empty, it indicates that the program stops normally and you can proceed to the next step.

If the return result is not empty:

It indicates that the stop failed, and execute again: ~/bin/ulord-cli stop

4. Exit docker


5. Restart docker

sudo docker restart ulorder

V. Copy the program to the docker container

sudo docker cp ulordchain-ubuntu-v-1–1–5.tar.gz ulorder:/root/bin

VI. Enter the docker container

sudo docker exec -it ulorder /bin/bash

VII. Replace the master node program

cd ~/bin

tar -zxvf ulordchain-ubuntu-v-1–1–5.tar.gz

./ulord-cli — version

./ulordd — version

VIII. Start program

./ulordd &

Judge the status of master node

I. Confirm that the upgrade version is successful. (Whether the running version is 1010500)

After the program starts, it takes about 5 minutes to complete the program startup, and then execute the following command:

sudo docker exec -it ulorder /bin/bash

~/bin/ulord-cli getinfo

II. Judge the status of master node by the following command, URL or ulordhub

1. View command

~/bin/ulord-cli masternode list-conf

~/bin/ulord-cli masternode list |grep 1eeadf88c30d16ec3e6ab1583dafbaa6b4215920f6def3fceb722a0d7e5ccfe8

The status of master node is “ENABLED”, indicating normal.

2. View website


Website: https://ulordhub.com/masternode

We see that the status is PRE_ENABLED and wait for 10–30 minutes. And it turns ENABLED, indicating it is normal.


I. If the block height of the current node remains same, the displayed block height is inconsistent with the block height viewed from the browser.

You need to update the block data, or contact Ulord secretary. Here are the steps:

1. Download block data

wget ftp://tools.ulord.one/blocks1015.tar.gz

You must wait until the download is 100% complete.

2. Copy block data and programs to docker container

sudo docker cp blocks1015.tar.gz ulorder:/root

3. Enter the docker container

sudo docker exec -it ulorder /bin/bash

4. Stop the original program

~/bin/ulord-cli stop

5. Replace block data

cd ~/.ulordcore/

mv wallet.dat ulord.conf ../

rm -r *

mv ../ulord.conf ../wallet.dat ../blocks1015.tar.gz .

tar zxvf blocks1015.tar.gz

6. Start program

~/bin/ulordd &

II. The startup program appears as follows, indicating that the original program did not stop normally.

It needs to be executed again. ~/bin/ulord-cli stop

Wait 1 minute to execute:ps -aux|grep ulordd|grep -v grep|grep root |awk -F “ “ ‘{print $2}’

If the result is empty, it has stopped normally.

Execute again if the result is not empty:~/bin/ulord-cli stop

Execute after the program stops:~/bin/ulordd &

III. The automatic script upgrade appears as follows

Just run the script again and execute the command: ./update_ulorder-v-1–1–5.sh or bash update_ulorder-v-1–1–5.sh

IV. If you update the version after 20–30 minutes, you find that the master node is still unnormal. You can execute it (be careful with this operation, and the online time will be cleared after execution). It is best to contact Ulord secretary.

~/bin/ulord-cli masternode start-all

Wait 10 minutes, until the status of the master node is normal.




Written by Ulord

Ulord is a peer to peer value transfer public blockchain.